Saturday, November 1, 2008

I am behind!

Wow! It is so hard to believe that it is already November 1st, and I didnt post for over a month!
Things are moving along with the seems as though that has been our major focus for so long that everything is gauged on where we are with that or where we will be with it. I am looking forward to it being completed and then enjoying it. it is already my favorite room to just sit in and look around. I will be over-the-moon happy when there is no more dust and dirt to clean up from the work. I already have a table and chairs picked out for the 'breakfast nook' and the bar stools as well. I am looking forward to all the work just being done.
I finally finished my clapotis and it is beautiful! I just love it. I went with Kristie to the NY Sheep and Wool show and got a lot of compliments on it. I also stated and completed a card for my niece. i am making a matching one for her sister. I hope to have them done for Christmas. I am also working on a scarf and hat for Britt for Christmas...and i would like to get a hat made for each of the other two girls and one for Chuck.
Good news from Kristie and her family, they got the one year extension on their Visas to stay in the states. I know they are very glad of that, and so am i. Good news from Amber as her and Eric are moving back to the Poconos....finally!
i guess thats it for news, it sure doesnt seem like much when its all typed out! LOL
Trick or treat was fun with the two youngest, Shannon and her two girls and her friend and his daughter as well. We ran into some people we knew and Amber eventually caught up with us too...
Now its preperations for Thanksgiving and getting ready for hubbys family to come. With the new kitchen it should be wonderful...I hope!!!!
Well I am off to clean a little, do some laundry and then maybe sit and knit awhile before hubby and I go out for an evening alone without the kids.