Friday, August 22, 2008

Another day...

I finally made it back to PA in enough time for Florida to have a hurrican hit there (its been all week).
I was very glad to get home, and back into my life. Saturday I had to be out of bed early to go to a Girl Scout expo-type thing in Harrisburg (2 hours south of me) and I really enjoyed going and hanging out with the girl-friends. Sunday was intended to be a day of relaxation, but we ended up going to a family picnic which ended up being really great!
The week has been busy with getting the office work caught up, running the girls to different events, and trying to get my scouting year under control!
It seems as though we either came home sick, or managed to get sick when we got home...I havent been myself and the girls have developed some upset tummies and all that goes with that.
I went with hubby to pick out flooring and molding and doors for the new bathroom and laundry room, hopefully that will be done soon.
Nothing got done while I was away in the renovation process....and I knew that it probably wouldnt! But it is taking way too long to get some of this stuff done!
I received some lovely yarny-goodness this week from my friend Featherhead on Ravelry in the Yarn It Forward. I am looking for a lovely pattern to use this alpaca boucle on! I am going to love working with this I just know it!
I went to another card class this week and fell in love with the one card we made. Gail always picks out interesting and neat things for us to make. I got the new cataloge and cant wait to take a few moments to go through it and find some neat projects!
Anyway, i am slowly getting back to normal around here and suprisingly there are only 11 more days until school starts!!! I am so thrilled!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane

Well in a few short hours I will be flying to Florida with Cheyenne and Brianna to visit their grandparents. I would love to be able to say that I am looking forward to it, but I'm not. It is ungodly hot in Florida at this time of year. And we will be staying with my hsbands parents. The girls seem really excited about going, especially flying in a big plane. I will put on my big girl pants and deal with the whole thing.
Hopefully when I get back I will have at least one finished project, two if I am super industriouse.
I am all packed, including some crochet and knitting to take on the plane and I even bought plastic and wood needles. (Byt the way, the plastic ones are horrible) I bought a new book to read and am taking an old one along to finish while I am at the pool.
See you when i return!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Its August 1st

OMG! I can hardly believe that it is August already!
That's just 33 days until school starts. Thats the good news! The bad news is that I have to make a trip to my in-laws in Florida with my two littlest ones! UGH! Hubby promised them that they woudl go and the airlines are so strict right now that I have to be the one to take them, and i am not looking forward to it! I hate that they keep their house like an oven, and I will have to depend on them to get anywhere. I will be leaving on the 7th and coming home on the 15th....that is 8 days of my life I will never get back! I plan on knitting and crocheting while I am there, maybe a couple of pairs of socks will get finished, god knows there is nothing else to do there for me...especially when it is HOT, HOT, HOT! I don't know if there are any yarn stores nearby their house, but I will find out before I go. In the mean time I will need to figure out when i am taking the kids clothes shopping for school, and when the heck I will have time to do laundry before I go....i will have to start packing earlier in the week as I am helping out at VBS at our church. I am probably going to have the wrath of God on my head when I tell the director that I won't be there on the last day. Well it is only 33 more days until school starts, and who knows...maybe some work will get done on the kitchen while I am gone!